one-shot bubble pics
Bubble Fantasies
into the unknown 國境103A voyage into the world of bubbles; flying above landscapes beyond our imagination! 遊走在氣泡世界之中,飛越想像以外的境地! | into the journeyA voyage into the world of bubbles; flying above landscapes beyond our imagination! 遊走在氣泡世界之中,飛越想像以外的境 地! | dance of dusk 暮之舞A voyage into the world of bubbles; flying above landscapes beyond our imagination! 遊走在氣泡世界之中,飛越想像以外的境地! |
the tree of rainbow blossoms 彩虹果樹A voyage into the world of bubbles; flying above landscapes beyond our imagination! 遊走在氣泡世界之中,飛越想像以外的境地! | song of love 氣泡戀曲Or pink or blue, or yesterday's whirlpools, colours there were! Enough! 色彩曾在,不夠嗎? | swirling yesterdays 昨日在轉Or pink or blue, or yesterday's whirlpools, colours there were! Enough! 色彩曾在,不夠嗎? |
solitary elegance 品味孤寂Or pink or blue, or yesterday's whirlpools, colours there were! Enough! 色彩曾在,不夠嗎? | tears of blue 籃之眼淚Or pink or blue, or yesterday's whirlpools, colours there were! Enough! 色彩曾在,不夠嗎? | celebration of life 生命禮讚See with the heart of a child, let's taste once again the sweet of fantasy instants 用心去看,品味童話一刻的甜美...... |
the child in a cave 洞穴中的童心See with the heart of a child! Let's taste once again the sweet of fantasy instants 用心去看,品味童話一刻的甜美...... | a fish is not a fish 魚不是魚See with the heart of a child! Let's taste once again the sweet of fantasy instants 用心去看,品味童話一刻的甜美...... | pinky babySee with the heart of a child! Let's taste once again the sweet of fantasy instants 用心去看,品味童話一刻的甜美...... |
Ch 1: Beyond the Borders 國境以外: Flying above landscapes beyond our imagination!
Ch 2: Bubble Ballads 氣泡戀曲: Or pink or blue, or yesterday's whirlpools, colours there were! Enough!
Ch 3: Fantasy Instants 童話一刻: See with the heart of a child! Let's taste once again the sweet of fantasy instants
Olympus OM-D E-M1 Camera; M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm F2.8 Macro Lens
15" x 20" Lambda Output on Lambda metallic paper mounted on 3mm aluminium plate
Limited Edition: 10
#Catkaling Photography #Catkaling #Photography #Fine Art Photography #Photo Art #Creative Photo # still life photo #award-winning photographer #photo inspiration #fluid art #bubble art #firework #firework photo #macro photography #Olympus #EM1 #EMI #FRPS #ARPS #RPS #創意攝影 #藝術攝影 #攝影師 #得獎攝影 #英國皇家攝影學會 #微距攝影 #氣泡 #靈感 #藝術 #攝影示範