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  one-shot bubble pics

Planes - Lines - Points

Behind the Picture Planes 畫面背後

Behind the Picture Planes 畫面背後

Who am I behind my Humpty Dumpty giggle? A burning hunger to climb up the wall, and an intense fear of a bone-crushing fall; my utter contempt for your scornful folly, and a stealthy shame of my naive vanity. 我在咯咯傻笑,就像胖蛋先生一樣。 笑聲背後的我,究竟是誰? 我渴望爬上高高的圍牆,却懼怕跌得粉身碎骨。 我鄙視你的輕蔑愚昧, 暗地裡却為自己幼稚的虛榮心感到羞恥。 Catkaling 2015

Behind the Picture Planes 畫面背後

Behind the Picture Planes 畫面背後

Behind the Picture Planes  畫面背後

Behind the Picture Planes 畫面背後

StoryLINES  生命線

StoryLINES 生命線

Awakened from a frozen panic, my eyes shot open. a soundless scream pierced the rotting stench. Terror is the agony of seeing what is bloodily unimaginable, and the fears of imagining what is monstrously invisible. 我從冷凍的驚恐中清醒過來,眼睛頓時瞪開。 無聲的尖叫劃破了腐爛的惡臭。 恐懼,因我看到難以想像的血腥景象; 恐懼,因我想像著駭人聽聞而又看不到的情景。 Catkaling 2015

StoryLINES  生命線

StoryLINES 生命線

StoryLINES  生命線

StoryLINES 生命線

StoryLINES  生命線

StoryLINES 生命線

POINTS-of-View  觀點

POINTS-of-View 觀點

An eye is not an eye; a head is not a head. Is a blunder a blunder? Am I really damned forever? A matter of how different points are viewed, from an infinite abundance of points-of-view. 眼睛不是眼睛;頭顱不是頭顱。大錯一定是大錯? 靈魂真的已經死亡?試從不同的觀點,看看這些點點! Catkaling 2015

POINTS-of-View  觀點

POINTS-of-View 觀點

POINTS-of-View  觀點

POINTS-of-View 觀點

POINTS-of-View  觀點

POINTS-of-View 觀點

Brushstrokes: Planes  -  Lines  -  Points

Detailed descriptions and explanations available in desktop version


... in search of concrete images in abstract expressions, out of the law of randomness


Through countless experiments on long-exposure photos of soap bubbles, I strive to capture images invisible to human eyes, or even unimaginable in the human mind.  The result is a photo poem in 3 stanzas (20 photos in total), showing BRUSHSTROKES created by a combination of shutter speed, lighting, wind, and bubble formulas.  






 - 2nd Runner-up in Hong Kong Photo Book Awards 2014


 - Awarded a $23700-grant from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council to publish the photo-poetry book "Bubble Instants"

榮獲香港藝術發展局文學發展資助 (二萬三千七百元正),以出版攝影詩集「氣泡一刻」

- International Photography Awards 2015, Los Angeles, US: Honorable Mention


- Comments by Royal Photographic Society distinctions panel members: "Extremely imaginative, excellent creative seeing, evident visual & technical skills!"

- Comments by Jury of International Photography Awards: "Good technical execution!"


Olympus OM-D E-M1 Camera;   M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm F2.8 Macro Lens

15" x 20" Lambda Output on Lambda metallic paper mounted on 3mm aluminium plate

Limited Edition: 10

#Catkaling Photography #Catkaling #Photography #Fine Art Photography #Photo Art #Creative Photo  # still life photo #award-winning photographer #fluid art #bubble art #firework #macro photography #long exposure #photo inspiration #Olympus #EM1 #EMI #FRPS #ARPS #RPS  #創意攝影 #藝術攝影 #攝影師 #得獎攝影 #英國皇家攝影學會  #微距攝影 #氣泡 #靈感 #藝術 #攝影示範 #長曝

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