one-shot bubble pics
Planes - Lines - Points | Behind the Picture Planes 畫面背後Who am I behind my Humpty Dumpty giggle? A burning hunger to climb up the wall, and an intense fear of a bone-crushing fall; my utter contempt for your scornful folly, and a stealthy shame of my naive vanity. 我在咯咯傻笑,就像胖蛋先生一樣。 笑聲背後的我,究竟是誰? 我渴望爬上高高的圍牆,却懼怕跌得粉身碎骨。 我鄙視你的輕蔑愚昧, 暗地裡却為自己幼稚的虛榮心感到羞恥。 Catkaling 2015 | Behind the Picture Planes 畫面背後 |
Behind the Picture Planes 畫面背後 | StoryLINES 生命線Awakened from a frozen panic, my eyes shot open. a soundless scream pierced the rotting stench. Terror is the agony of seeing what is bloodily unimaginable, and the fears of imagining what is monstrously invisible. 我從冷凍的驚恐中清醒過來,眼睛頓時瞪開。 無聲的尖叫劃破了腐爛的惡臭。 恐懼,因我看到難以想像的血腥景象; 恐懼,因我想像著駭人聽聞而又看不到的情景。 Catkaling 2015 | StoryLINES 生命線 |
StoryLINES 生命線 | StoryLINES 生命線 | POINTS-of-View 觀點An eye is not an eye; a head is not a head. Is a blunder a blunder? Am I really damned forever? A matter of how different points are viewed, from an infinite abundance of points-of-view. 眼睛不是眼睛;頭顱不是頭顱。大錯一定是大錯? 靈魂真的已經死亡?試從不同的觀點,看看這些點點! Catkaling 2015 |
POINTS-of-View 觀點 | POINTS-of-View 觀點 | POINTS-of-View 觀點 |
Brushstrokes: Planes - Lines - Points
Detailed descriptions and explanations available in desktop version
... in search of concrete images in abstract expressions, out of the law of randomness
Through countless experiments on long-exposure photos of soap bubbles, I strive to capture images invisible to human eyes, or even unimaginable in the human mind. The result is a photo poem in 3 stanzas (20 photos in total), showing BRUSHSTROKES created by a combination of shutter speed, lighting, wind, and bubble formulas.
- 2nd Runner-up in Hong Kong Photo Book Awards 2014
- Awarded a $23700-grant from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council to publish the photo-poetry book "Bubble Instants"
榮獲香港藝術發展局文學發展資助 (二萬三千七百元正),以出版攝影詩集「氣泡一刻」
- International Photography Awards 2015, Los Angeles, US: Honorable Mention
- Comments by Royal Photographic Society distinctions panel members: "Extremely imaginative, excellent creative seeing, evident visual & technical skills!"
- Comments by Jury of International Photography Awards: "Good technical execution!"
Olympus OM-D E-M1 Camera; M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm F2.8 Macro Lens
15" x 20" Lambda Output on Lambda metallic paper mounted on 3mm aluminium plate
Limited Edition: 10
#Catkaling Photography #Catkaling #Photography #Fine Art Photography #Photo Art #Creative Photo # still life photo #award-winning photographer #fluid art #bubble art #firework #macro photography #long exposure #photo inspiration #Olympus #EM1 #EMI #FRPS #ARPS #RPS #創意攝影 #藝術攝影 #攝影師 #得獎攝影 #英國皇家攝影學會 #微距攝影 #氣泡 #靈感 #藝術 #攝影示範 #長曝